The following topics were addressed during the Strategic Seminar:
- Keynote speech: The impact of Intellectual Property policies on innovation and competition - European and global perspectives
- Profiting from IP
How to manage IP assets in such a way to maximise the bottom line
- Promoting innovation
How to promote innovation within an organisation while at the same time educating staff as to both the importance of IP and the mechanisms necessary to defend that IP
- Patent rating
Assessing patents to measure the effectiveness of corporate R&D
- IP valuation
Assessing the value of IP within a large organisation
- Best practices
Examples of how IP is managed in different organisations and how strategic direction can be reaced through IP management, followed by a panel discussion
- Cost and benefits of standards
Standards and IP sometimes make strange bedfellows. Interoperability is often compromised by patented mechanisms
- Tools
Aids to decision-making through visualisation & landscaping methods