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IRF participates in TheHarvestingDay project of FlaReNet

2010 | 07 | 25 The harvesting day is a day in which a robot collects Basic Metadata Description (BAMDES) describing resources and tools, as published at their web sites.

IRF participates in TheHarvestingDay project of FlaReNet

The IRF has provided access to the MAREC metadata to enhance and ensure the visibility to the research community.

FlaReNet is a project funded by the EU eContentplus programme.

FLaReNet is organized into five Thematic Areas:

    • the Chart for the area of LRs and LT in its different dimensions;
    • methods and models for LR building, reuse, interlinking, maintenance, sharing, distribution, …;
    • harmonisation of formats and standards;
    • definition of evaluation and validation protocols and procedures;
    • methods for the automatic construction and processing of LRs.