Tobias Schleser - m2n G
Tobias Schleser is involved with operational project management and customization at m2n gmbh, conducting projects in the fields of semantic knowledge discovery, semantic concept recognition and enterprise search for public and industry customers. He received master degrees of Vienna University of Technology in the fields computergraphics & digital image processing and in business computer science in 2009.
m2n – consulting and development gmbh focuses on retrieval and knowledge discovery solutions built on top of a model-based application framework. The company’s research and development efforts cover topics like ontology-driven system engineering, data integration and validation, knowledge discovery and retrieval as well as information visualization.
m2n’s key product is the ontology based application framework “m2n Intelligence Management” – an innovative, service-oriented and flexible approach for developing individualized information systems and knowledge management solutions for a wide variety of domains. m2n Intelligence Management is capable of integrating heterogeneous data repositories according to semantic domain models and utilizes ontologies e.g. for service orchestration, semantic search and analysis systems and interface modelling aspects. m2n is headed by Doris Ipsmiller and employs around 12 developers and researchers. The research services are complemented by expertise in business case development, requirements engineering, customization, project management and consulting.